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Status page

The status page shows information about the current and past usage of the resources (CPUs and nodes) and the current and past number of jobs of the Peregrine cluster. The current information is, in principle, being updated once every ten minutes, while the plots over the last week are being updated hourly. Each of these hourly added points in the plots are clickable or touchable, which will give some more detailed information for this point. The same holds for the bars in the bar chart.

Jobs page

The jobs page shows the running and waiting jobs for a given username. As you will not be actually logged in to the cluster and your username is only required to select your jobs, a password is not required.

The list containing the running jobs also shows the progress of your jobs as a percentage corresponding to the ratio between the wallclock time each job has spent and the requested wallclock time. Accordingly, this same ratio is used to create a progress bar in the background of each list item.

Update interval

In the upper right corner of each page, a timestamp shows the time since the last update of all statistics and job information. The interval between these updates is about ten minutes. Refreshing your browser more than once per ten minutes will not have any effect.

In case of possible (connection) problems with the cluster, an alert icon will be displayed next to the timestamp.


If you encounter any problem with this web application or if you have any questions or requests, please let us know by using our contact form. In case of problems, please include, besides a description of the problem, which operating system and browser you are using.